Toddler Swim and Survival 12mos - 3yrs

Toadally Toddlers- Swim and Survival

What they can learn?

Every child is unique, and so is their skill development. Our approach is to the individual. Understanding the signs of readiness for each skill is imperative to the success of the student. Depending on growth, comfort, time, and consistency, these are the average age-appropriate skills for our Toddler program. 

Children ages 12 -18 months – Increased breath control, free-floating, rolling from a face down to back float position, developing kicking skills for purposeful movement, changing direction, pulling up onto a ledge, introduce arm movement.

Children ages 18 -24 months – Continue to develop unaided swimming, breath control, improved kicking, improved arm movements, jumping and returning to the wall, pulling out of the pool, and learning respect for the water.
Children ages 24 – 36 months – Develop improved floating and gliding for proper body position and independence. Work on increased propulsion with more kicking, arm movements, and independent swimming. Teach children to understand boundaries, love, and respect the water.
Children ages 3 - 4 years –Children are learning introduction to stroke development with increased endurance, building a strong kick, adding arm strokes and modified breathing skills.


Children under 3 years old work 1:1 with an instructor for 15 minutes, once per week until they are ready for the next level, Toadlet.

If a child at age two has mastered the skills required and displays readiness, we will move them to a 20-minute 2:1 lesson.
Partnered lessons are a safe introduction to turn-taking and having fun with friends in the pool. Instructors will discuss progress and expectations with you. 
Children must have mastered the ability to roll from face down to back float, kick for purposeful movement, front glide (face in the water) independently for 5 seconds, pull themselves out of the pool, and follow directions. 

When children master the skills in Toadlet, show physical readiness and maturity for the next skill level they will move to a Toad class. This is our most advanced toddler class and begins to introduce strokes and endurance for young swimmers.

Bull Frog
The Bull frog program is designed specifically for children ages 3 - 4. At this age children have more strength and physical abilities, but still need some modifications for teaching strokes and breathing. The Bull Frog program is a transition between the Toadally Toddler skills and Learn to Swim, helping children to smoothly transition to more advanced stroke development with confidence. Children swim in a groups of 4:1 for thirty minutes once a week.

The Parent Role

Parents do not participate in lessons with the children but are encouraged to work on fun interactive skills at home and in the tub to help with comfort and skill building. Instructors will discuss progress and answer questions each day after lessons.


Children do not need to speak to communicate and instructors do not have to speak to teach. By understanding the behaviours and development of a child, instructors work to build a trusting relationship, combining repetition of simple skills and exercises, to develop mastery over time.

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